Monday, March 28, 2022

12- Preston K : Best of fast foods

 Best of the fast foods

Ok fast food let's get this straight, wendys stands number one. I dont care what anyone says ther chicken sandwich is unrivled. But the main thing from wendys is the lemonade that they make is amazing, no other fast food can rival the combination of their lemonade with the chicken sandwich and fries.My evidence to prove this is how i took my friends there and made them try the lemonade and they said it was amazing

No speaking of lemonade and chicken sanwhiches i feel like kfc and chickflia stand at the same spot. Many may not agree but the KFC chicken sandwich is super underrated, It has a different taste to me that makes it more enjoyable than most other chicken sandwiches. And for chickflia i dont even need to explain why we all already know.

Sticking to the chicken vibes, i feel like Canes eventhough it may not be 100 percent fast food i believe it is and it is lowkey overrated but it dosent mean it isnt hecka good thought. The sauce at Canes I feel like needs lemon or citriuos added to it to make canes amazing, but i will have to say the bread and the chicken is so good. The chicken isnt dry, has crunch, and isnt like mushy but i will say alon it has zero seasoning. Now the bread form canes though alone deservens a 120 out of 60 hands down. If i could buy a baskit of their bread alone i think i would change the placement of canes on this list. The bread wrapped around the chicken dipped in alot of sauce really does hit you especially when you're super hungry. 

That's the list for best fast food chicken places that i feel like take the top 3 spots all day, Thats final

1 comment:

  1. Hi Preston, I read your blog and I understand your point of view. However, I strongly disagree. In my personal experience, Wendy's food has always been unreasonably salty. I do have to say that their lemonade options are really good. However, I personally believe that Chick Fil A or In-N-Out is the best fast food.


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