Tuesday, March 8, 2022

9- Katrins S: How my first tablet chose my major

 Core memory, my first tablet

                            2014 vs 2019

On the crisp Christmas morning of 2013, my parents handed me one last gift. As I unwrapped the reindeer themed paper, what I found inside excited me. A tablet! My dad set it up for me and I played all the pre downloaded games on it and went through all the cool new features. What intrigued me the most was the camera app, Samsung’s camera app had preloaded filters and a pause button. This pause button stops recording when taking a video but you can resume recording once you press unpause. For some miraculous reason, I was obsessed with this pause button. I was hyper fixated on the fact I could take breaks when taking videos, something 8 year old me had never thought of. At some point I started recording everything. Videos of my cat, videos of trees, videos of my friends on their bikes. I was essentially making my own home videos through my own eyes, instead of the perspective of my parents or an adult with a video camera. 

At 10 years old I was interested in the world of filming and directing. Seeing behind the scenes footage from TV shows and movie sets made me excited. I “directed” my own series of horror films about sock monkeys starring my friends and I thought they were theater quality. Looking back at the footage, the videos are grainy as heck and look like a single pixel but I am still fond of them. Some might look back at old videos of themselves and cringe, or even delete old videos, I would not recommend this. If I had deleted those videos I would have no memory of me and my friends making forts or having swordfights- events that otherwise would have been insignificant if not documented. 

I'm forever grateful for receiving this tablet and opening the camera app when I did. My parents did not record me besides on birthdays or significant events, but where you learn the most about yourself is the insignificant moments that you’d otherwise forget. Recording with my tablet also taught me my love for film and ever since I was 10 years old i’ve had the same exact career goal set in my mind for the past 6 years, getting better and better with my craft every video I take. 

Music Video from 2014

Word Count: 386


  1. Hi Katrina! Reading your blog made me remember my childhood with electronics. With me being an only child I didn't have other siblings to keep me preoccupied so I was often playing games on my mom's phone until I got one of my own. I was often making fake youtube videos on everything. I would do them by washing my hands, making sandwiches, and a lot more. Now I look back at those videos and cringe. My cousins and I would even make fake skits and record and edit them. I have an interest in film as well. I would love to be behind the scenes as an assistant may be.

  2. This blog was amazing! I really liked how you told the sentimental story of your first ipad, and the fascination you had with it! I think you’re completely right, in the fact that the smallest, insignificant videos, can actually be the most impactful on you when looking back at them. I think that’s also so cool, that your hobby and love of making videos is still a passion, and even something you’d potentially want to pursue as a career!


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