Wednesday, March 16, 2022

9 - Janessa H: The Goal

The Goal

Independence is a virtue and a goal many wish to accomplish throughout their lifetime. The strive to be independent is what me as a teenager crave, we crave to be on our own and not have our parents tell us what we can or can't do, we get to discover ourselves and really be ourselves. 

The feeling of independence is rewarding and now we are not only responsible for ourselves but now our lives. We are now the only ones responsible for our choices and actions and can blame no one but ourselves for them.

We are dependent on the ones around us so when we separate ourselves we are faced with the task to be independent and it's new and scary but necessary for us to learn and grow to be our own person and discover what we are meant to be and do. 

I had to become independent young and still am today. I rather do stuff by myself on my own time instead of depending on someone else and getting disappointed. Although I can let myself down at times at the end of the day I'll have myself forever and can learn as I go. I choose to be independent because it feels really good to have done the big things by yourself and no one else gets that credit but me. 

I want to be able to tell my family I did it instead of them telling me they did it for me, I want to feel the fireworks of feelings that you get from being looked at as responsible and hardworking. I will continue to chase this goal of independence the more I grow and learn and I truly believe I can achieve greatness by doing so.

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