Monday, March 21, 2022

11-Khaleah A: Princess Jasmine

 Growing up, the month of October was my favorite. First of all, it was great considering it’s my birthday month. My birthday is at the end of the month and I remember the whole month being super suspenseful and exciting. I was curious about what my mom had planned. I remember all the nights I couldn't sleep, being so excited for the 25th. After my birthday came and went the excitement still lingered because 6 days later would be Halloween. All of my friends and I would plan all the streets we would hit up and hyped over all the candy we would get.

However, my favorite memory of Halloween was my first trip to Disneyland. For as long as I could remember all the way up to age 7 my mom once a year had to deploy to another state or even country for work. Normally her travels will end up only being about 3 weeks long and I would stay with my grandparents. When I was about 5 my mom got an assignment to go to Spain for 3 months. 

This was the longest period of time I was away from my mom. Every night we would get on the phone and talk for a bit and that became the routine. I remember my mom telling me right before she left that once she comes back she’ll make it up to me. After 3 long months, my mom came back and surprised me with a trip to Disneyland for my birthday. This was the first trip I've ever taken, it was a trip with just my mom and me and it has to be my favorite memory of us together. Growing up I absolutely loved the Disney Princesses. I had a ton of collections of dolls, movies, and bedsheets. 

Princesses were my favorite thing in the world. While being at Disneyland was absolutely amazing, my mom had scheduled me an appointment at the “Bippity Boppity Boutique”

The boutique was an opportunity for little kids to live their princess fantasies and have the experience of getting dressed up as their favorite princess while receiving “princess treatment.” With a makeover and a very expensive photoshoot.

At the time Princess Jasmine was my favorite princess. She was the first princess of color and the closest one I could relate to.Overall, being able to spend time with my mom and live my princess fantasy has to be my favorite Halloween memory.

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