Tuesday, March 29, 2022

12-Khaleah A: Where is Home?.

 I mainly grew up in Alameda California. Alameda is a small island in the bay area, connected to San Francisco Bay. I moved to Alameda when I was 5 with my mom, being a military brat I would often stay with family while my mom was stationed in whichever state or country she would be in. Most of my family is in the bay area.

 It was important to my mom that I had a family around. Growing up as an only child she wanted me to know I had people who loved and would take care of me. Occasionally I would be able to tag along with her. I love traveling with my mom and I've seen a lot. My mom and I are both water signs so we both feel connected to the water. My favorite place I've been with my mom was the Bahamas. One of my favorite memories was sitting on the beach enjoying the view while drinking my Shirley temples. The beach is where I call home.

 Living in Alameda my mom and I lived in a 2 bedroom apartment right on the shoreline of the beach. I loved waking up in the morning and being able to see the beach right across the street. I have a lot of memories of friends and family birthday parties at the beach. Along with being able to celebrate New Year’s and see all the fireworks across the San Francisco bay. Wherever there's an ocean it reminds me of all the fun memories I've had. Wherever there is a beach I am home.


  1. Hey Kahaleah!
    Your blog was so descriptive! I liked how you compared yours and your moms sign to the ocean you lived by. I also love the beach and make the best memories there and I would love to wake up and hear the waves every morning. I also like traveling too, and I wish I could travel the world. I really connected to your piece!


  2. This was such a great post! I think it is always so interesting to get a look into another person's background and, yours is definitely intriguing! I feel a really strong connection to the Bay area and the beach, so to read the feelings you so perfectly described, was so accurate to my own feelings of that as well. Good work.

  3. Hi Khaleah,

    I thought that this was a very personal perspective to hear about your life in the Bay Area. I have lived in the same place ever since I was born, which I have not liked, so reading this piece made me wonder what home felt like for me. It showed me how important home is to our lives and our happiness


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