Monday, March 21, 2022

11-Ethan R- The balance of your freedom

 Theirs a balance of responsibilities and freedoms children should be granted. The scale will tip and turn to their character and their actions. If a kids grows up disrespectful and disobedient they wont get the same privileges as a well mannered child. 

Parents have hundreds of way to raise their kids and they vary in freedoms and in privileges. But children are the whole essential variable to this equation of freedom. Lets say you have a 4.0 kid who doesnt lie often and you can depend on them to get things done in a timely manner. That child should have a much bigger array of privileges then a 2.0 student that does everything behind your back. When proven the opportunity of success they should find reward but if failed should be held closer to the home at least until they can prove themself worthy of the responsibility. A parents job should be to raise a strong working class citizen that will give back to the community but in our generation, parents have become more relaxed in their disciplinary ways that almost every young adult becomes a failure to launch. 

With success and achievements it is building their credibility for life and holding them accountable for their actions and responsibilities. This builds character traits of responsibility in young kids, which instills accountability in a childs future. So if a child is a well rounded human being they should have the privilege of more freedom then a delinquent child should have.

Word count 251

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