Monday, March 28, 2022

12- Yara A: Shingle

 Blog #12- Shingle 

When you think of the mountains, typically what comes to mind is cold. The type of cold that makes you like the summer and makes you say things like “I would do anything for it to be hot right now” or “i'll never complain about the heat ever again”. When you think of the beach you instantly think of warm summer days with beach balls flying and kids playing in the water and families sunbathing soaking in the good moments. 

I would define myself as being more like the beach. I like hot sunny days where you can wear loose clothing and flip flops with messy buns and eat ice cream until you have a stomach ache. Depending on the time you go, the beach provides exactly that. Loose clothing, flip flops with sand in them that weighs your feet down and the sun that you get scolded for not putting on any sunscreen and the stomach aches you get from eating junk food throughout the day. 

 The feeling of the sun hitting my skin while being at the beach and relaxing brings me peace. While the beaches in California tend to be cold, once you go to a beach that has warm waters like Mexico it is hard not to fall in love. In a populated beach in Mexico there will typically be food stands and small businesses all lined up alongside the beach trying to promote their business and persuade you to come buy things depending on the time of year that you go. The feeling is indescribable. The beach is free and happy and I find myself having more qualities like the beach than the mountains. 

Beaches are peaceful and beautiful. They bring tranquility.  It is where you go to have a fun time with families and friends or to simply just relax. While I don’t have anything against mountains and some people could think the complete opposite about beaches, I think beaches are simply just powerful. 

Word Count: 330 

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