Tuesday, March 15, 2022

10 - Janessa H: Be Brave

Be brave  

Be brave is a phrase we all grew up hearing. We heard it from teachers at school about raising a hand in class or presenting, we hear it from our parents when we tackle new tasks or try something scary like getting a piercing, starting a new job, or exiting our comfort zone. We hear this phrase from friends when they know everything life has thrown at us and everything we are finding a way to overcome. 

I strive to be brave. I choose to be brave when even the people around me are terrified. I try to make it seem less overwhelming and frightening by showing it's going to be okay. Being strong for the ones I love has always been my forte, we all need someone to calm the outside world for us at times. Sometimes we need someone to tell us it's gonna be okay and someone to push us out of that shell so we can experience the things that were once impossible to us.

Being brave is an action expressed through words and support if not for us than others. We can go out and do things that were once deemed reckless or too much because our comfort setting was close minded. Bravery is being in uncomfortable situations sometimes and proving you can do it and you can overcome the things you once feared. 

If talking to someone new or going out is unusual and dreadful for you but you still do it, that's being brave and proving even though somethings scary you won't let it stop you. Being brave is what you make it so make it something worth remembering.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Janessa! I also wrote about bravery, due to a recent assignment ive done. It made me reflect on the brave people in history. Such has Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks ect. It took courage for them to be a leader, and lead a crowd during such a huge movement. I also agree with your point when it comes to talking to someone new. There are a lot of times where I would like to talk and meet new people but Im honestly a shy person. Im still working on being extroverted and building up on my courage.


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