Monday, March 7, 2022

9-Nigel R: Favorite Childhood Show

                        One of my favorite shows as a kid was Avatar: the Last Airbender. This show was so good to me because it didn’t have the normal story of a “kids” show. It had such a complex story compared to most kids shows, especially animated kids shows. 

One of the main things that stood out to me is the unique characters in the show. One of these unique characters’ names was Zuko. He was a unique character because he starts off as the main antagonist and then eventually becomes a main protagonist. Throughout the seasons he has a lot of events and moments that change him as a person. Another one of these unique characters is named Toph. Toph was a blind girl that learned to use her disabilities as a strength and become one of the most powerful characters in the show. 

Another reason this was one of my favorite shows was because there were different lessons in most of the episodes. An example of this is in one of the episodes named, “The Runaway.” In this episode Toph starts scamming people to make money and then it eventually comes back to get her when she faces consequences for her actions. After this happens she learns her lesson. There are many episodes like this where they teach the characters lessons as well as the audience. 

This show differentiates from other kid shows because it had a continuous story line unlike other cartoons or kid shows. It really stood out to me as a kid and I even sometimes watch it nowadays. 

            Word Count: 261

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nigel, I really liked the show Avatar as well, I would always
    watch it along with the show spongebob. I feel like in Avatar there
    were a lot of lessons to learn in each episode.


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