Monday, March 7, 2022

9 - Ethan R - Our twelfth Week

     Our lives are at a terrifying pinnacle as we approach this daunting senior year. Our whole lives we've seen friends, family, just people graduate. They leave our lives and join the world of adulthood, and we are the next generation of that burden. We must now show the world in these last 12 weeks of junior year that we are ready to be the new role models of wide eyed freshman and we are forced to pick up that burden of independence.

12 weeks, 12 weeks till the last year of life as we know it. Soon, mom and dad won't become primary that cover every little thing and the waves of responsibility and bills will flood through. While most to none of us have no idea what were doing, We have three main outputs that our school trains us for. Fight in the military, join a trade, or go to college. All condemned in their own terrifying ways and with little reach out from counselors we are not given all the information we need to choose where our lives will go. 

It is terrifying but it is manageable if this is our society's norm there must be some ease to it, something that we can turn to. We are strong individuals, we were born into a norm of shootings, human trafficking, hatred, and distrust. We survived. We grew up with the fear of going to normal social events like school because gay bars and schools are being broadcasted into our young spongy minds of being unsafe and another school in Florida had an incredible tragedy. We Survived. And now we are surviving a global pandemic and frankly kickin its ass. As our “golden generation” looks down on us for being weak, I see us as the changing generation.

We are unafraid to voice our opinion, and we stand up for what we believe is right and just. Many sexualities have been accepted, and racial tensions in societal upbringing are being shifted. We have much change but seeing how we face it, we will overcome it. We are not children, We are full-grown adults and we must now take up that burden of independence that comes with it and the ambition to bring change.

Our society has such a closed world stance that it's hard to see through its barriers but we will climb over those walls. We have little experience in the adult world, but we are known to adapt and grow. We will set new norms on our own and begin adulthood fearful but prepared for the work. 

12 weeks before the start of our brand new independent world.

Word count 441

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