Monday, March 21, 2022

11- Yara A: Freedom Is A Privilege

 Blog #11- Freedom is a privilege. 

The word freedom has a lot of controversy behind it and who and who shouldn’t have it, especially when it comes to how much freedom parents allow their kids to have. In this sense, parents should allow their children to have freedom. This means letting them have the responsibility of making their own decisions, choosing their own friends, and allowing them to have fun and go out. That freedom comes with the price of them being responsible for their own actions as well.  

Some parents could argue this and state that teenagers tend to be irresponsible and make a lot of mistakes and coming from a teenager we do but making mistakes also allows us to better ourselves and be able to learn. Those mistakes tend to always have consequences and stand as a learning experience. There is a famous quote that states, “strict parents create sneaky kids”, this is completely true as if you don’t allow your kid to have freedom and be able to confide in you they will go behind your back and still do it, which breaks any type of trust the teenager could have built with the parent. Freedom stands as the bridge between parents and teenagers that allows for the kid to feel like they can confide in their parents. Freedom can also only be permitted when there is enough trust between the parent and teenager. 

Although, Freedom doesn’t stand as letting your child do whatever they want, there are boundaries that need to be set but it means allowing your kid to have fun and be able to live life to the fullest extent. Allowing your child to have freedom creates happy memories that both you and the child can look back on and they won’t hate you for holding them back. Therefore, parents should allow their child to have enough freedom to the point where they are able to make their own decisions but not past the point where they are doing whatever they want. 

Word Count: 333

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yara,
    I completely agree on your perspective that children should be allowed to enjoy more freedom in their lives. While I think that some restrictions may be necessary to prevent children from being exposed to things which could only understand as an adult, I think that allowing children to have the freedom in doing more things will allow them to become more comfortable in society.


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