Tuesday, March 29, 2022

12-Raymond L- Reality of trying new things

The quote “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old

dimensions” means that when you are trying something new you can’t go back to the old life of not

trying that thing. For example if you try a roller coaster that you have been pushing away from trying,

and you like it, you would want to ride that roller coaster more and more and you won’t be scared to

avoid it everytime you go back to that amusement park or place.

A mind that is stretched out to try new things every day is a mind that is able to try new things

and have the mindset that they can try almost anything. I remember when I tried a roller coaster at 6

flags for the first time, the ride was Medusa, I told my parents after the ride that I didn’t like it but the

next time we went I rode on it again because I actually liked it and couldn’t go back to avoiding it

everytime we went. Trying new things changes people. Many stars in sports such as basketball and

football never were super into the sport that they became a pro at, until they tried the sport when they

were younger and they loved it. When you try something new that you haven’t tried before it changes

how you do things from that point on. Beforehand you never did it and since you did that one day you

continue to think about it and you can’t go back to the old dimension/times of avoiding it or not doing it


Word Count: 273

1 comment:

  1. Hi Raymond,

    I admire your perspective on trying new things like roller coasters and learning to enjoy them. I feel that we as people can only develop if we try out new things, even if we do not enjoy them, since it grows our experience and knowledge of the world around us. If we did not try out new things, we would not have had the previous knowledge that that new thing which we tried was either good or bad, or what it showed.


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