Tuesday, March 15, 2022

10-Raymond L- Life outside of Highschool

 High School is a time where students either suffer with classes and outside activities or they succeed by being able to manage everything that they are dealing with. Passing highschool is where I would think that you are finally free from all of the stress that high school puts on you. Yes there are other stresses outside of school, with real life, family, work, etc. Students have all of that along with school and finally graduating you lower your stress levels for a little bit until either you go to college or you decide to just get a job. High school teaches students a lot about life though, the kids learn about relationships by themselves, how to talk to people they don’t know, make new friends, and then they also learn time management, most kids do, not me. High school graduation to me, seems like a little bit more breathing room, I won’t be 18 by the time I graduate high school but I know most people will and once they graduate they talk about moving out of their parents house and getting their own apartment or something like that. It seems like a little more breathing room, being able to have your own place and live your own life without your parents, but it also takes a lot of responsibility. Graduating High school is a major accomplishment and many people don’t make it and decide to drop out because they don’t think that it is worth the time. High school is just a stepping stone to make sure you can go to the next level and pursue your dreams. 

Word Count: 270

1 comment:

  1. Everything about this post is so accurate! High school is definitely a main factor for students' stress, and not everyone can handle it. I think the way you described it too, also just makes perfect sense. Graduating is not only that major stepping stone in our lives, but it really does give you that breathing room to explore things, such as jobs, independence, and new relationships.


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