Tuesday, February 1, 2022

5- Katrina S: There’s no such thing as ‘bad music’


We’ve all probably heard the phrase “there’s no such thing as bad music” but do we really take it to heart? The arts are incredibly subjective. Art is supposed to make you feel something, whether it is joy or disgust. Music is a form of art, and some people simply don't click with certain genres or artists, yet some of us cringe when we hear our close friends say they love Ed Sheeran or that they hate our favorite artist. 

Being judged for your music taste is a real thing. The cause of this is not because we dislike something so much that we believe we should let other people know, but the fact that we hold our own music taste to such a high standard. When it comes to what we like, people are quick to judge and think their personal favorites are the best- but there's no such thing as “best” because it's all subjective. 

Music taste can fluctuate. When you're young you may be a huge fan of Taylor Swift, you get to middle school and you hate her, go to highschool and you're back to being a Swiftie. Music preference can change day by day depending on your mood. One might start their day with metal and then switch to electronic dance music in the afternoon. In simple terms, preferences change and it shouldn't be an excuse to judge someone's taste. In addition, don't confine yourself to one single genre, you might find something you like. 

Next time someone tries to bash you for listening to Pitbull for 2 weeks straight, let them know that it's art, and that you appreciate it. 

Word Count: 276


  1. Hi Katrina!
    This post was really great. I think you're completely right when you say that music is subjective. You made a really good point when you mentioned that everyone has their own taste in music and we're not always going to agree on a favorite genre or song. Music taste is a spectrum and there will never be a definitive "best song" or "worst artist."

  2. This has been possibly one of my all time favorite blog posts! It’s so true that we as humans hold ourselves to such high standards on our own taste, that we will think another person’s music taste is really bad, when maybe it’s just another form of art that we can’t seem to appreciate. I also really loved how you included that all sorts of people listen to different genres of music throughout the day. I definitely can go from r&b/soul, to rock really fast.

  3. Hey Katrina, Great post and I really agree with your stance that all music is subjective and there is no such thing as good or bad music. You made great points about people's tastes and favorites. Great post thins week


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