Tuesday, February 8, 2022

6- Mariza Avalos: What Can We All Learn?

One of the most important things that older generations can learn from newer ones is the usage of technology. Today's Society has evolved to a point where technology has arguably become the number one resource for communication. While it may not be a necessity for ¨survival” it is an essential part of maintaining a somewhat-successful living environment. 

Especially with the unprecedented state of the pandemic back in 2020, insurance companies, social services, medical and finance agencies are all transitioning to a point where many of their resources are accessed through online services. With that being said, younger generations being more accustomed to computers and phones, allow for them to teach the older generations how to navigate modern technology. On another note, older generations can learn the practice of open-mindedness; a concept that is often displayed throughout younger generations. This pertains to all aspects of life: social, emotional, educational, etc... Studies have shown that younger generations in the 21st century present more patterns of open mindedness than older generations. 

 It’s important to note that no one is inherently “open minded” or “closed minded,” it is something that is learned and conditioned throughout a person’s life span, but especially during childhood. So for older generations, it’s pretty likely that most of their practices are often more confined to the regions and communities they grew up in. That being said, technology has opened up the opportunity for millennials and gen Z to learn and foster knowledge expressed from around the global internet. With children, teens, and young adults being exposed to different communities and point of views, they’re given the opportunity to practice open mindedness. Which supports why younger generations would be better understanding and practicing open-mindedness more so than older generations. 

 In summary, older generations can benefit from learning more about using technology as well as the practice of open mindedness from younger generations. In order for them to do so, older generations have to be open to learning about these things from younger gens. It’s good to apply these when it comes to building relationships between grandparents and grandchildren, or mentors and apprentices. Regardless of whether one may be wiser than the other, it’s good to keep in mind that knowledge and information can be shared through both sides. 


  1. This post is so great! I completely agree with the fact, that there is so much the older generations can learn from the younger ones, and how it really starts with the use of technology. I never really thought about how much companies, services, and agencies relied on technology to communicate with all of generations during quarantine, but I liked that you pointed, how that was sort of a starting point for the younger generation to start teaching to the older generation. Not only that, but the way you added open mindedness as something older generations can learn too. People from older generations will definitely have an older fashion of thinking, and so I think it's definitely up to the younger generation (us) to show them our new way of thinking. Anyways amazing blog post!

  2. Hi Mari!
    I never really thought about how technology can lead to more open-minded individuals, especially those from older generations, but you are completely right! The access to the internet opens up a variety of new opinions, lifestyles and values that are on display for the world to see. It allows people to decide which values they align themselves with, but it also opens the possibility for individuals to consider new ideas they may not have thought of before. I think older generations can definitely benefit from the internet and technology for this very reason!


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