Monday, February 14, 2022

7- Samantha A: Why Learning an Instrument is Life Changing

Music is truly a gift to humans. Hearing it and playing it can create a sense of bliss and euphoria for the human brain. In a Ted Talk titled “How playing an Instrument Benefits your Brain”, it talks exactly about the effects instruments have on us, listening to them and mainly playing them. 

At first it discusses what exactly happens in our brains when we play music. Playing music is even considered the equivalent to doing a work out, as it is literally working out your brain and strengthening each area of your brain. The areas that are strengthened in particular are your visual, auditory, and motor. When playing it is described as “fireworks” going off in your brain, because of how much thinking and activity you are doing. 

Playing music isn’t impossible and anyone can do it if they apply themselves, but it definitely is a craft and understanding that you need to have in order to succeed with it. I remember receiving piano lessons as a child, and learning a few songs. It didn’t take me one time, but instead multiple to get down even a simple song, such as “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”  I still own a keyboard to this day, and recently started teaching myself how to play a Taylor Swift song through youtube. It hasn't been the easiest thing, but I can feel the strong effects it’s been putting on me over the past few weeks. I am a firm believer that anything is possible if we apply ourselves to it, and so learning an instrument is a perfect example of that. 

The Ted Talk even discussed how enhanced our brains become due to learning an instrument and how different music is from any other art studied. When we are playing music we think of it as a fun hobby/passion of ours that is for enjoyment, little do we know though how much our brain is really benefiting from it. I think everyone should try some sort of instrument at least once in their lifetime, because the effects are truly positive and will be recognized. 


Word count: 351 Why taking up an instrument has struck a chord for so many - BBC News


  1. Hi Samantha,
    I've heard about many studies that show how learning an instrument can benefit your mind but I have not heard as much about listening to music. Music is a big part of my life- not just listening but playing as well. I strongly encourage you to keep up with the keyboard. Taylor Swift's pop era has simpler 4 chord songs but her new more recent albums are far more piano oriented and sound really beautiful. Im wondering if the studies of the brain when playing an instrument only apply to traditional instruments, or if the same could be said about writing or producing music. Great job!

  2. Hey Samantha! This post was really interesting. I played piano as a kid, but I've since forgotten everything I learned and I always find myself wishing that I had stuck with it, especially since I am constantly listening to music and I probably wouldn't be able to function without it. I've always thought that people who could play instruments were so cool and talented, and it was interesting to read that playing an instrument actually benefits your brain. Maybe one day I'll relearn how to play the piano, or even learn a different instrument altogether. Good work!


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