Tuesday, February 15, 2022

7-Nigel R: Traits Passed Down from Generations

Most people act or look like their parents. This is very common for people especially since there are phrases like, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Personally I think I have a lot in common with my parents but I also have some things that are different from them.

 I get my smile and eyebrows from my mom. Almost everyone points this out and she does too.  Another thing I get from her is that she's smart. We both always got good grades in school and always were good at figuring things out like puzzles or riddles. Something that I didn’t get from her is my height. She is 5’4 while I’m around 6’1 or 6’2. 

Some things I get from my dad are my height, humor, and athleticism. My dad and I are almost the same height as he is 6’2 and I’m right under him. A lot of people say I was lucky I got his height which is funny but also kind of true. Both my friends and my dad's friends say that we are pretty funny  so I’m happy I got that from him. I also get my athleticism  from him. He used to play Basketball in high school and college and I do now. When he was young he could jump really high which I definitely got from him. A way we are different is that he is more extroverted than I am. I’m a lot quieter when people first meet me than he is.

Some things I get from both of them is my personality and my work ethic. There’s a lot of personality traits that I have in common with both of them. They both also work really hard and I work really hard too. Some things I don’t have in common with either of them is that I like different foods from them and I have different hobbies like reading and playing video games. I’m glad I got some of the traits I did from them however, I’m also glad I got some of my own to make me more unique.

            Word Count: 351

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