Monday, February 14, 2022

7-Raymond L- Plastic Easter Eggs

 Easter, a time of year where kids wake up in the morning and it seems just like it would be Christmas or even their birthday. Where the Easter Bunny lays plastic eggs all over the house, the front lawn, and even in the backyard. Filled with goodies, candy, money, and even little toys. 

Every kid waited for the day that Easter would come, Easter Sunday. The little plastic eggs that were supposedly hidden by the Easter Bunny, brings lots of memories to many children. All the fun they had and it made them realize that being a kid is so fun. Now when the children grow up it isn’t so much fun seeing the little plastic eggs laying around but they look back at the memories they had.

All children get excited when Easter day comes around, they get to spend time with their families, get to go egg hunting for treats, and most of the time the parents don’t care much about what you do. Little plastic Easter eggs bring so much joy into every kid's life and they are just plastic eggs that hold things in them. 

Although you may not see it in the eggs, because it is kind of hard to see the importance of them. Each egg has a memory and meaning inside of it that will forever and always be in the mind of once a little kid. Plastic Easter eggs always bring so much fun when Easter Sunday comes along and everyone enjoys it. 

Word Count:252

1 comment:

  1. Hi Raymond, I feel like I relate to your post a lot. Some of my core memories developed from celebrating Easter. It may be because I’m biased towards springtime and pastel colors. But to me, Easter and especially Easter eggs always made me feel happy and fulfilled. Though I am much older now, I can still see that same excitement in my siblings' eyes too and it still brings me so much joy!


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