Tuesday, February 8, 2022

6-Nigel R: Learning from Younger Generations

Older people are out of touch with a lot of things in today's world. We often see it as funny when they don’t know how to do things like text but we could teach them things. This generation could teach them things like how to express their emotions, use new technology, and how to adapt to the newer things.  

Older generations were usually taught to  conceal their emotions or act tough. They also sometimes keep their feelings in. Meanwhile this generation is more open with their emotions and is not afraid to express them. This generation could really teach older people how to express their feelings and be open with people about how they feel. This could also help with the mental health of older people so that they aren’t holding their emotions in.

 Older generations could also benefit from learning to use new technology. If this current generation teaches older people to use things like Facetime they could communicate with their family and see their faces. They could also teach them to use robot vacuum cleaners so that they do not  have to worry about physically cleaning the house themselves.

 This generation could also teach the older generation how to adapt to newer things. They can have them do things like update their phone regularly to keep them up to date with the new updates. They could also teach them how to play video games and things like that so they could stay in the loop with new things. 

Word Count:250


  1. Hi Nigel,
    I agree that a big difference between our generation and older generations is technology and how accepting we are to technological advances. My dad used to tell me about his father being extremely opposed to remote controls for television when they were first invented. I like that you pointed out that older generations have trouble expressing their emotions and have been taught to be unemotional. A common saying from the older generations is that this generation is "too sensitive" when its actually a good thing that we are able to discern when something is offensive or wrong. Great job!

  2. Hi Nigel,
    I have to agree with your point and I feel that connecting older generations to new technology will strengthen our relation with them. I think that much of the disparity between younger and older generations originates from the comparison in use of sources like technology, and I do not feel like both generations are using the correct amount of technology to connect with each other.


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