Monday, February 7, 2022

6- Ashley M - Success with Scraped knees

Quote: if you were born with the weakness to fall. You were born with the strength to rise. 

Many times as a child and even now a days I would think that failure didn’t lead to anything. Just a moment of sadness and giving up. Such as the times when I learned to ride a scooter yet when it came to making a turn I would always slip and fall on the concrete, leading to a scrapped knee with tears. 

Which led to me giving up easily. Only trying for the first time and if it didn’t come with success I would easily throw it away , in which case had my mom easily upset with the money she spent on things. All I could say in that case is that it wasn’t for me.

 It became a habit to give up , as if I were climbing a mountain , yet when I was half way there I would stop and not continue.I would easily think ‘why even bother to continue if I know I’m not going to be the best’. I never wanted to leave my comfort zone, but I wanted to overcome it. As I soon thought of the regrets when wondering about the possibilities I could have reached if I just kept trying.

So I decided to challenge myself by going to AP lang. It wasn’t an easy choice , as my original idea was to not be in it. It was a last minute choice , that I don’t regret. It does come with a little stress and a lot of hand cramps (due to the writing), but nonetheless it helped me learn that with failure could come great success. As with the challenges it helped me grow , overcome and know myself better.It’s not easy to break the habit of giving up.I still do in some occasions , but I continue trying.

As I could always fall and scrape my knees yet still rise to try again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashely! First I would like to start off with when I was younger I couldn't get down turning with a scooter either. I would ride the scooter down the hill I would freak out and end up jumping off. LOL. I do agree that with success it takes practice and a few fails in order to master the skill. Failure isn't always a loss its more of a lesson. Along with after countlessly messing up when you finally succeed it makes it a whole lot more satisfying, and conquering.


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