Monday, February 28, 2022

8 - Ashley M : Feminist Icon

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has left her mark on this world , as many consider her to be a feminist icon due to her work of fighting for eqaul rights for women.From starting all the way from the bottom to climbing her way to the top of being the second female to sit at the Supreme justice.

Ginsberg attended Cornell university in which she graduated top of her class , but then later studied law at harvard. Although having these degrees on hand , she was still systematically discriminated against due to her gender when being rejected from numerous jobs or even getting paid less. She then became the first female tenured professor in 1972 for teaching at Rutgers and Columbia , but that was just the start of her trail. As she later co-founded the Women's rights project at ACLU. More opportunities were handed to her and Ginsburg continued to make it to the top as she soon was appointed to the supreme court by Bill Clinton.

While being the supreme justice she fought and believed in women's rights , workers rights , and separation of church and state leading to her gaining many awards. One of them being the American Bar Associations Thurgood Marshall award for her work and contributions for gender equality and civil rights. People loved her for her honesty and for breaking barriers to try and bring more justice to this world. Even with difficulties being presented to her such as being diagnosed with colon and pancreatic cancer , she kept her head high and continued to work to bring in more equal rights. Putting others and fixing the world first rather than herself.

Although she was known for being the second female supreme justice that's barely hitting the surface from everything she has done. From all the work , contributions and time she has spent to make this world a better place. She will always be remembered and known for all her sacrifices and especially for keeping her head high during difficult times.


  1. This was an excellent post! I honestly never knew much about RBG, and so when everyone was grieving over her death, I didn't feel the same way, only because I knew truly nothing about her. However because of this post I have gained further knowledge about the incredible woman she was. I really loved how you explained sort of where she started in her career, starting with taking college classes, and ending with being the second woman on the supreme court. I find it so amazing as well that she truly cared about equality for women. I think this was a perfect blog post for National Women's History Month!

  2. I really like this blog post, I never knew about Ruth Bader
    Ginsburg until this blog. I like how you wrote about how she
    fought for women’s rights, workers rights, and how she gained
    many rewards for what she did.


15- AshleyM: Sleepless emotions

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