Tuesday, February 15, 2022

7 - Janessa H: On Top Of The World

On Top of The World

Joy is being told I can do anything, is being told I got this. Joy is being hyped up by my friends or people I barely know, boosting my confidence. Joy is the look I get when my parents are proud of me, the smiles on their faces and that spark in their eyes. My Joy comes from the simple positive things in life from getting a good grade to the way my significant other looks at me and appreciates me. My imagination strives for that encouragement and it strives for that warm feeling you get when you know you did good.

I wish my life and my mind, my thoughts could be swallowed by joy where all my heart felt was pure joy and love. I wish I could laugh instead of cry, love instead of hate, trust instead of being so closed off. Joy is the natural drug that engulfs my body, keeps my blood flowing and keeps my heart beating, but when that stops it feels like I stop, a slow motion roller coaster ride I want to get off. I want to be outside and dance in the rain. That's what I really crave, I crave that adrenaline instead of laying in bed staring at that same corner of my wall like I’m expecting something to happen. 

I rather smile a true genuine smile instead of pretending like everything is okay sometimes, I want that joy to make me truly feel alright. I want to feel on top of the world, my world.

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