Monday, February 28, 2022

8-Nigel R: A Core Memory that Changed Me

                 There are many “core memories” which led me to becoming the person I am today. There is one in particular that was an event that changed me. The event that changed me was my last fight.

  When I was little between the ages of about 5-9 I got in a few fights with my cousins and one at school. However the one at school was one that changed me. When I was in 4th grade I went to school one morning and I was already exhausted because I had barely gotten any sleep the night before. In the morning our school used to walk around the track before school and while I was walking this kid in the same grade as me came up to me and started pushing me. He pushed me twice before I told him to stop, I had told him to stop 3 times until I pushed him back. When I pushed him back he pushed me into a wall then we fought after that.

After the fight we both got suspended. That day was the first and last time I had gotten in trouble like that at school. After this fight I realized that violence isn’t always the answer. I realized that in this situation I could’ve just walked away and been the bigger person so that all of this could’ve been avoided.  I knew I had changed when a similar situation happened later in the year, someone had started pushing me and I simply walked away. I had avoided an unnecessary fight that didn’t need to happen. Ever since this happened I have not been in another fight.

                             Word Count:274

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nigel! I really appreciated how transparent you were when talking about the fight you were in. Many people would try to defend their actions, but you have accepted that there were other methods you could've used to diffuse the situation. I really liked how you mentioned that a similar situation happened later on in the year, and you reacted completely differently by just walking away. That shows that you really did learn your lesson. Great work with this post!


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