Tuesday, February 15, 2022

7-AshleyM: Connected but different

 Through my genetics, I have both of my parents combined to become me. Their ethnicity , race , health conditions and even getting some of their characteristics within me. As I’m their child and have spent all of my life with them I have developed many things they do , yet I still remain different from them.

From my mom , I’ve gained her short temper, dedication, and admiration for small details. My mom has always had a short temper a side you don’t want to know of. I know of it and shortly even gained it. As with my whole life I have experienced it . I wouldn’t consider it one of my pro’s, but I don’t complain as maybe it will become useful. My mother has dedication, setting her mind to something and shortly accomplishing it , no matter the difficulty. I admire it , knowing the experiences she has gone through and that she still goes with to this day. A dedication that’s unstoppable, that I grew with. She also admires any small details , such as her garden when they grow the smallest detail or even start dying off slowly. Details that no one really cares about , yet are the ones she admires the most. 

From my Father I have gained his math skills, out of tune singing , and comedic jokes. My dad before coming to the U.S. was a math teacher for some time. Some would say that the math teachers of our school are strict, but I’ve dealt with my father being my math mentor ( I’ve known worse). With him wanting extreme and precise lines and perfect graphs, yet it helped me deal with the teachers I’ve had. I’ve also gained his horrible and out of tune singing , although he loves to show it off. Singing anytime there’s a karaoke or even in the car. I think it’s just because it’s part of his comedic jokes. As one time singing “who’s lovin’ you” from the Jackson 5 , the iconic part that goes “ I,I,I,I should have..” he starts pretending to cry and yell. It’s something that always cheers me up , the way he jokes. 

I’ve gained many things from my parents, as I’m always connected with them with by blood , genetics, or just the time I’ve spent and still am spending with them. It’s how I’m the same with them , but I’m different in many ways. Such as gaining my dads math skills yet hating math. I’m just my own person with sprinkles of some of my parents characteristics.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley, I especially love your final line; I think it perfectly describes how we have a small mixture of our parent's characteristics and a lot of our own. I’ve personally always thought of my parents' influences the same way. While there are some seemingly bad characteristics that I’ve inherited from my parents, I like to think that they’re a part of me that helps to balance out the good qualities and characteristics that I’ve also developed from them. There are some bad, but plenty of good to make up for it!


15- AshleyM: Sleepless emotions

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