Wednesday, February 2, 2022

5- Ethan Rosa- The dirt under my nails

 For everything that we want to pursue, or complete that we are passionate about, we need to work for it. Success never came to the kid that never raised his hand, or got dirt under his nails. Presevereance is key, and that comes with staring a challenge down and overcoming it no matter what. In leadership, Rope has given me insane tasks like giant hoco builds, with tiny deadlines and just let me flop until i pull something spectacular out. 

    But with this quote it takes the classic blood sweat and tears and puts a light tread on it. It adds to the sea. A great escape to get miles from your problem and never look back. The sea symbolizes the weakness in those who are to afraid to face challenges. Those who back down when the world calls their name instead of getting up and claiming that pride.

    But with this there is the exception that every situation is different asnd you cant help the outcome of a challenge no matter how hard you fight it. Like my grandfather who faced cance and we all had to see that challenge, we all knew the end result but wee lived every moment to its fullest. We didnt let the restriction weigh down his shortening life, we did more and more to make sure his life didnt end in sadness but in embrace.

    Everybody has a differing fight or flight response, and neither is fully good or bad. People who wanna face the challenge will keep doing and improving until forced to fail and it will crush them. While those who run will never face a challenge but will never know the true feeling of accomplishment,

Word 285

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