Tuesday, February 15, 2022

7- Mariza Avalos: Imagine the Feeling Coffee Tables


     I believe it’s in myself to have the least imaginative brain possible. My brother can create intricate worlds out of barely any building blocks, my sister makes the most descriptive stories from looking at a flower, and my dad can create his whole future with the flash of an idea. But for me,  I always find myself in complete chaos if I’m asked to use my imagination. So when I skim through the blog portions and prepare myself to write, I always ignore the “Are you more like.” It makes me cringe, even five seconds into thinking about the most simple things: swings, slides, doors, windows, and my brain decides to collapse. However, this week I saw the word coffee and in the most biased way possible my mind immediately thought “that’s you.” To which I felt quite offended that my mind immediately jumped to that conclusion even though I’ve lowered my once obsessively high intake of coffee. Nevertheless, I thought it could be a perfect opportunity for me to attempt  to step outside of my comfort zone and make the most of what my mind will give me.

    Coffee tables are an important addition to a home; they are made to complement any space which has a lounge set. In this way, I’d like to think of them as a more welcoming place for people to feel relaxed. Coffee can be warm and cold, but either way, it always gives off a comforting feeling and a good start to the day. Likewise, I think the essence of a coffee table stands out as a comforting presence to people as well. Just as coffee can start a good morning, a coffee table can start a good conversation.  If a coffee table is a space that invites people to feel comfortable and encourages them to partake in conversations then it’s what I would inspire to be.

    In a sense, coffee tables have more of a correlation to friendship, while dinner tables are associated with family. To me, it’s not necessarily that I value one over the other, but I’ve always felt more comfortable around my friends rather than my family. Family can challenge you in negative ways while friends can challenge you in positive ways. 

    For dinner tables, I’ve always thought of them as a more uptight space. When I was younger, the most annoying and uncomfortable core feeling I will always remember is being confined to the dinner table. Having the routine of never leaving the table until all food is eaten or all homework is done. Or, the common feeling of watching my mom and dad glued to the dinner table, managing home bills after far after my bedtime. Dinner tables create a feeling of distress to me. They often create a dreadful, nerve-wracking vibe to it which is why I'm partially biased towards steering away from them. 

    Although this is subjective, I believe dinner tables are for uptight serious situations and coffee tables are for relaxed comforting situations. So tying this back to which one I’m more like, or what I'd aspire to be like. Although it’s a matter of preference, and it’s arguable that a balance of both is perfectly suitable. I find myself gravitating more towards a coffee table simply because it’s an essence I would want to motivate me through life. Rather than a series of distress that dinner tables bring, I would rather be motivated by welcoming challenges or experiences that bring me a sense of joy and comfort which I think a coffee table embodies.

Word Count: 594

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mari! First of all as soon as I saw the title of your blog I knew I just had to see what you were talking about. Ever since I was younger Ive also always had a love for interior design. Coffee tables can be a really nice attribution to a room. It does a great job filling up some space along with being extremely useful for brainstorming and of course placing items down. I do agree with you that the idea of a coffee table is associated with friendship. In a lot of popular city shows like "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" at the cafe there is a coffee table where they share a lot of moments together. I really enjoyed your blog this week great work!


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