Monday, February 7, 2022

6 - Raymond L- Strength of Life


Being strong is one of the most important aspects of life, not just pure muscle or being able to lift a lot. Sometimes being strong is being able to take on whatever life throws at you. Going through a tough time, for example losing someone or something you love, it takes strength to be able to get through it. 

Strength can be found in all kinds of places, sports, schools, jobs, and most importantly at home. In sports people have the strength to go throughout their days constantly working out and putting in time and effort to get better at the sport they love. At school kids are constantly there for 8 hours and are most definitely at school more than they are even at home. When they do get home they are most likely doing homework for another 2 hours. 

Now at peoples jobs depending on who they are and how old they are. Those working who are still in high school have to go through school for 8 hours, work for the 4 that they are allowed, and then come home with little to no time to do homework while trying to get enough sleep for the next day, then rinse and repeat. 


Every single day of everyone’s lives, it takes a great amount of strength to get through everyday. Strength is inside of everyone and those who think that they don’t have the strength do something do have that strength, and sometimes they might have already done it. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but the main thing to focus on is how well you are doing and focus on the positive. That is strength

Word Count: 277

1 comment:

  1. Hey Raymond! I really love how you mentioned the difference between physical strength and inner strength. A cool line that an old coach of mine used to say is that “strength is power and strength is perseverance.” It reminded me of what you’ve said about some not having the confidence in their own strength. I've had my fair share of moments where obstacles seem particularly daunting because I don't feel 'strong enough' to take them on. But your blog reminds me, and everyone else, that being strong is as simple as getting through a tough day, then a tough week, and so on. Strength is such a powerful thing because it is what we use to persevere through the most challenging of moments!


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