Monday, February 7, 2022

6- Yara A: Fit Of Terror

 Blog #6- Fit Of Terror 

Mental Health is the key to everything, it affects how we think, feel and act. Being in a good mental state is the most important thing considering it determines how we handle stress and the choices we make. 

A panic attack is an episode of intense fear, anxiety and physical symptoms. It is based on a perceived threat rather than an approaching danger. I've only ever experienced a panic attack once and it was a couple years ago (at least that i can recall) and it was in a store, Hollister to be exact. I have truthfully probably experienced it more than once but i've never really looked at it as a panic attack more so as feeling overwhelmed and scared in a sense. The panic attack was caused by another person and I've honestly never felt such an intense amount of fear. I simply remember a million thoughts racing through my head and feeling fear like I've never felt it before.

 I've never really understood it but the Ted Talk on what causes panic attacks and how to prevent them was certainly enlightening. In the Ted Talk they express their main message as “The first step to preventing panic attacks is understanding them” which I completely agree with and is the whole point of the video. Essentially, a panic attack begins with the amygdala which is the brain region that processes fear. When it perceives danger, it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which triggers the release of adrenaline. The adrenaline causes an increase in the heart and breathing rate to get blood and oxygen to the muscles of the arms and legs. This also sends oxygen to the brain, making it more alert and responsive. This whole process is what causes you to overreact during a panic attack, it is your body physically reacting to fear. 

There is no possible way to help someone or ourselves if we don't understand what it even actually is. It is why the video grabbed my attention, I know what a panic attack is. I've heard of it before but before this video i didn’t really understand it, I didn't know the thousand little things behind it or how it is triggered. I thought it would be enlightening to learn more about it so that if one day if I or someone around me is having one I can do my part and help them. In response the Ted Talk ultimately focuses on the factors behind panic attacks and what physically happens in your brain to cause a panic attack. 

Word count: 427

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