Thursday, February 3, 2022

5 - Raymond Lane - Snow White Husky

A few years ago, I don’t remember how old she is anymore. I think she is two. My family and I were all looking at a baby husky to adopt and add to our family of 4 dogs. We looked through a litter of at least 6 tiny snow fluffs that every time we picked one up they would get super hyper, crazy, and cuter and cuter. 

Every one of the little snowballs looked like one that we could take home, but the one that stood out to us. A little girl, not too big, not too small, not too crazy, not too calm, the fluff that we adopted and named BB-8 or Bebe. Bebe was still a puppy and didn’t get along right away with the other 4 dogs we had, but eventually she became the biggest out of them all after just a year. 

Bebe was no longer a little cute floof, still a cute puppers, but now a big, beautiful snow white husky that is super super dramatic. Like most huskies are. Now I realize that having a puppy that isn’t so much of a puppy anymore and is basically as big as I am is a little scary. Her beautiful white fur and her little smile when anyone pets her makes her not so scary as she looks. 

The little snowball of a pup that used to be able to just fit in one of my hands is now almost the size of an adult human. 

Word count: 252

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post! I loved the way you went into depth, about the process of looking for a dog that would fit into your family, and even though your dog didn't fit in right away, I still liked how eventually you explained that too! Also love the imagery you gave, as you were describing how white and small/big your dog has gotten to be. Great work.


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