Monday, February 14, 2022

7- Preston K: the good days


Weither it be a place, person, Physical object, or action, they can all mean or symbolize joy. Joy isn't as much as an action as it is a feeling. Like feeling the light breeze on a summer day while you kick back and enjoy the company of friends or family, Or the feeling of finally accomplishing a task you set for yourself.

Joy to me had for the longest time been such a dull word carrying no feeling or meaning behind it, but after getting to experience high school both ups and downs I see joy from a different perspective. 

Freshman year trying out and playing football. At the time it wasn't something I would say I necessarily enjoyed but I for sure took pride and happiness in the sport.  Always doing as the coach said, trying to be the best athlete could take the time, energy, drive, and effort and pouring it all into Football. After the season ended, I felt disappointed, not joy. It left a bitter taste in my mouth for football overall after that knowing I put forward so much of myself and never seeing any progress or reward

Looking back now I say That period of my life brought me joy. I got the chance to experience the sport for what it was. Looking back thought me that not everything you feel or interpret from a period of time, place, or thing is what it seems, and you may get so caught up in the moment that you forget to sit back and take in what is really happening.

  My grandpa told me “You don't relies you're living in the good days until the good days are over ''. Not ever wanting to pass up knowing I'm living in the good days instead of reminiscing on them, I no longer take small things for granite and try to look at everything from a different angle so I can find the true joy in the situation.

 My two best friends are people I say without a doubt bring me true joy. From the random moments of laughter to the Painfully annoying stupidity that we share together, and honestly, they changed my definition on joy whether that's a good thing or not I have yet to decide    


  1. Hey i really liked how you were able to relate emotions like joy to common experience everyone has experienced, “Like feeling the light breeze on a summer day while you kick back and enjoy the company of friends or family”, i really enjoyed this read, it was relaxed and joyfull, great job

  2. Hi Preston,
    I really enjoyed reading your interpretation of joy. I believe that there are various ways to define joy in your life, and I feel as though the best kind of joy for me involves trying something new and finding out that I like it. I related to the quote which your grandfather told me, too.


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