Monday, February 7, 2022

6- Samantha A: Don't Tell Me to Dry Dishes

  Don't Tell Me to Dry Dishes

Ever since I was a child I've hated doing chores. More specifically the dishes. In both of the houses I’ve ever lived in, we've never had a dishwasher, and so we have to do our dishes by hand. Honestly, over the past two years, I've learned to like washing the dishes because it's become a little more therapeutic for me. 

The only thing I can't seem to like ever is drying the dishes and putting them away. It's just so annoying and inconvenient to me. I honestly will spend about 20-30 min hand washing the dishes, and feeling accomplished to then having to see all my work still feel like it's not done, just because they are sitting there all clean in a pile, instead of nice and dry in a cupboard. I also tend to become tired after just having spent this whole time standing and hand washing the dishes, so I don't want to take the time to dry them off. I also just feel like for some reason washing the dishes goes by so much faster, because I´m just running the water under each dish and scrubbing it with soap, whereas with drying them I have to take the towel and actually make sure it's completely dry before finally putting them away. Even if I decide to be a little lazy and partially dry it off and let a few water drops still be on there, those small drops of water, will literally leave a watermark on the dish, or better yet, when I use that same dish in the next hour or so it will still be wet, and gross. 

Even that small window of time when my family  had a working dishwasher for a couple weeks, still wasn't fun. I still liked doing the dishes, especially because the time went by even faster, but drying them was still a pain. Not only were the dishes wet, but filled with steam, and sometimes leftover soap too, which really aggravated me. I always wanted to wait a few hours top until they would be completely dry, but then we always had more dishes that needed to be cleaned, and so I was always the one hand picked to dry them off. Even today that still happens. I won't even wait a few hours until all the clean dishes are dry, sometimes I’ll hold off for a few days, and then there´s no more room to put new dishes in and so I just have to suck it up and put them away. At the end of the day, my hatred for drying the dishes won't change, and neither does the fact that I still have to do it. 

Word count: 455 



  1. Hi Samantha! I honestly give so much props to you. Fortunately for me the places where Ive lived Ive been blessed with a dishwasher. LOL. I can only imagine how annoying and time consuming it actually is. Your post has made me have such an appreciation and Ill try not to complain when my mom nags me to put them away.

  2. Hi Samantha! I understand what you mean, there’s just something so unsatisfying about having to dry dishes… Just as you said, it’s like you did all that work of cleaning dishes only to have your accomplishment be overthrown by yet another 20 minutes of wet spoons and plates. At least once you’re done with both you have the chance to feel extra satisfied and accomplished with your chores!


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