Monday, February 7, 2022

6-Khaleah A: The Ice cream mold and disher

 Alfred L. Cralle was an African American inventor and businessman who is known for inventing the ice cream scooper in 1897. He was born right after the civil war in 1866 in Lunenburg County Virginia. He worked with his father in the carpentry trade where he soon found an interest in mechanics.

He attended Wayland Seminary, a branch of National theological Institute. It was an American Baptist home where they helped educate newly freed African Americans.

Cralle spent his early adult years working at a Hotel in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. While working he noticed that the icecream servers had difficulty trying to serve the customers. Ice cream would stick to the spoons and ladles. Along with the bent spoons that would come out of it due to the icecream being really frozen and stiff. 

His invention was originally called the “Ice cream mold and disher.” It was designed to keep icecream and other spoons from sticking. Addition to being easy to use and and constructed as a mold with no delicate parts to prevent bending or breaking. He made many designs such as a cone a cube and what we commonly use a sphere shaped molder for his design. On Febuary 2nd of 1897 he received a patent #576395. 

Unfortunally he didnt become famous for his invention. It spread so globally and quickly people forgot that there was an inventor behind it and saw it as an everyday use. Therefore he never received any profit.

(happy black history month)

252 words


  1. Wow! This was such an interesting post to read. An Ice cream scooper is definitely something that we all use, but never even give a thought as to who invented it. I really liked how you kept the story of the ice cream scooper simple and easy to follow, while also giving a great insight and purpose as to who is all to thanks for the small, yet convenient invention. I did enjoy too, how you shared this story about an African American Inventor for Black History Month. I think this blog is extremely insightful and impactful!

  2. Hi Khaleah,

    I thought that this was a very interesting subject to discuss and was surprised by many of the facts revolving around it. I never knew who invented the ice cream scooper, let alone that he was black. Your summary of Cralle was engaging and unique. I never would have thought that the idea of an ice cream scooper originated in a hotel, either. I think that it was unfortunate that he never received any profit for his invention, but I enjoyed thoroughly reading your summary of him.


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