Monday, February 28, 2022

8-Jenna Kellis: My Inner Rage Towards Monopoly

I have been playing Monopoly with my family for as long as I can remember, and I can confidently say that I now despise it more than any other board game. I don’t think I have ever won a game of Monopoly against my family, maybe that’s why I have such negative feelings towards the game now that I’m older. Even when I was little and I would secretly steal money from the bank while I was playing “banker” I would still never win. Mainly this was because my brother would buy all the properties and build houses and hotels on them, so whenever I would roll I would land on something he owned and I would be forced to pay him a fortune, ultimately causing me to lose all the money I had illegally obtained in the first place. Our parents would sit back and laugh while we yelled across the kitchen table at each other because he insisted on collecting his rent and I refused to pay. It got even worse when I was around eight and we bought Disney World Monopoly, and my family bought all of the fun rides before I even passed go. Most recently, we were playing an intense game of Game of Thrones Monopoly, and my brother somehow owned all of Westeros before I even blinked an eye. I don’t normally consider myself a very competitive person, but Monopoly changes me. It’s probably due to the years of rage I have built up from seeing my brother collect his properties while I slowly went bankrupt. When I was little, I blamed my misfortune in Monopoly on the fact that I was the youngest in my family, and therefore I was inherently disadvantaged. Now that I’m older, however, I can finally admit that I’m just really bad at it. Word count: 305


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  2. Hi Jenna! I understand your point and I heavily relate to almost never winning. My mom is really good with managing her finances. So she would normally buy up all the good properties and make really good profit. As I got older she would teach me all her tricks and strategies, now when it comes to game nights we think alike when strategizing. Now I cant stand how long and time consuming the game really is. We would go back and forth landing on each others properties and It can even go up for hours. The game normally ends when my mom is not longer interested and will evenly distribute all her properties and cash along all of the players. At this point in the game its just me and my cousins and in my eyes theres no real competition and I end up quitting as well.


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