Monday, February 28, 2022

8- Yara Martinez : The Burgundy Dress

Blog #8- The Burgundy Dress 

One of the happiest memories that comes to mind is my 17th birthday that just recently passed in December (Yes i'm a sagittarius). For my 17th birthday my mom bought us plane tickets to Mexico which tie into a completely different story but she got all of our family together and threw me a party for my birthday.

 It was the most special thing anyone has ever done for me. I didn’t get to have a quinceanera which is known as a big tradition in Mexican families so she tried to recreate that in some way. Although it was 2 years later it still meant a lot to me. 

Everyone pitched in with something my aunt Tina provided the food which consisted of very delicious tacos as well with other different types of foods, my mom bought me my burgundy dress which was long and hugged my body in all the right places, both of my brothers pitched in money for the band and dj and so on. Everyone contributed which made it even more special. I was so appreciative of everything I received. 

Usually with big parties the day can become very stressful with last minute preparations and making sure everything is perfect for the guests but my aunts and uncles made sure everything was perfect and more importantly that I was happy. The happiest moment of the day had to be when the DJ played a specific song me and my mom chose and we danced in the middle of the stage just the both of us. Me and my mom have had a rocky relationship in the past but in that moment I was able to thank her for being a great mother and doing all of this for me. 

The day was overall so amazing. The food was great, the weather was thankfully cooperating and it was not windy nor super hot which I was very grateful for. That day I danced until I couldn't anymore, until I had literal blisters on my feet for days but it was all worth it in the end. There is so much more I could say about this day but what I realized was that beautiful things happen when family comes together. Before my party, some of my uncles were fighting and there was just a lot of drama overall but we all came together in the end and enjoyed the day which was very special to me and will always hold a place in my heart. 

Word Count: 418



  1. Hi Yara, I like how your favorite memory is one that happened
    fairly recently. I like how you said that everyone contributed to this
    birthday party, how the burgundy dress that you are writing about
    fits you perfectly. I like this post a lot.

  2. Hi Yara! I love the dress, it's so beautiful! I agree with you, the process of preparing a party can be pretty stressful, and hoping that the dedicated person will like it is a whole other feeling. Yet it’s all worth it in the end as long as the person you made it for is happy. Your aunts and uncles did something so amazing for you. This seems like a very great memory that you can cherish forever!


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