During our teenage years we truly discover ourselves. We explore our interests, passions, and we discover our strengths and weaknesses. High school helps you find and channel your passions, whether it be athletics, academics, arts, or leadership.
Personally, I found my strength in becoming a leader and pursuing student government. When I was beginning my journey in finding who I am, I saw the good resume booster of student government. You know the drill, get something fancy on your resume and just let it be a nice fine tuner to make you look more applicable. Every school is now bearing away from its old timey strong man ways and trying to find the all around person that helps in every aspect of life.
I found my passion in leadership but not until my freshman year. I was like every other kid getting a quick a and a nice college buff but as I came to high school's student government. I saw the brilliance of every mind in that class, it inspired me. It was a class that worked like a clock every part worked together and coherently it was beautiful. Every person played to their strengths and passions and inspired me to explore myself. I saw the pride every person had and i wanted it so ive worked my butt of in asb for the past 3 years and im about to lead it next year. I came as a wide eyed freshman, found my strength, and now everything has panned out perfectly.
Word count 253

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