Monday, February 7, 2022

6 - Preston K: Truth of Strength


Everyone is born into the world with a special trait to themselves. Let that be something seen as useful or not; their trait allows for them to have a special strength in something that others may not or a stronger strength that rivals another's. 

In the world of sports whether it be Track and field, Bull riding, Nascar, or even tennis. Each and every last player has a special strength that is special to them that others may not have. Some have the strength to endure the long and brutal race of the 400 Meters sprint while others have the power and explosiveness to dominate in the 100 Meter dash. Some have the strength to hold on to a raging Bull while others only have the strength to watch as they attempt to Hold onto the Bull.

Strength also can be found in every carrier. From blue collar men all the way to business owners. The blue-collar workers have the strength to wake up every day and do the same brutal job for hours upon hours upon hours for years just to provide for their family. While business wonders have the strength to keep finding remedies or investments to manage and keep a business up and running bringing in a steady income. 

Kids in school have to have the strength to endure 8 hours a day of schooling knowing we have to complete multiple assignments and pay attention in class. Enduring everyday knowing we have to perform not just for our futures but for the parents too. Always knowing in the back of your mind that if you don't do a certain task and you drop your grade, all the things you love to do outside of school will be yanked from your reach. Showcasing each and every kid's strength in school and how some may not even realize just how strong they are. Strength isn't just about how much weight you can lift or who can pull the most weight, but more of how mentally strong someone is. How willing they are to fight and persevere through the hard time when even no one is looking. That is True strength 


  1. Hi Preston! I love how you compared strength between sports, life, and other instances. I also like how you showed that kids have strength to go to school as long as they do and then deal with everything else that is outside of school.

  2. Hey Preston! I really liked your post and how it emphasized the individuality of different people in terms of strength. Strength comes in many different forms and you really captured that idea in your blog post. I loved how you said that strength is about how willing someone is to fight and persevere through hard times even when no one is looking. That is a great point and I completely agree!

  3. Great post this week, your right about how different individuals gain and pursue their strengths. You captured the essence of hard work, to pursue the passion even when you don't gain credit for it, you know ou putt in the work and it WILL show, its a beautiful message and one im trying to teach the younger leaders of ASB, i might just quote you.


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