Monday, February 14, 2022

7- Ethan R- Our Building Blocks

  The whole world can change with just the flap of a butterfly's wings. Every single choice and decision you make shapes you into being the person you are and will become. I believe every single thing that happens for a reason so that it shapes our history, and teaches us lessons for the future. 

Things have to happen for a reason, not necessarily that there's someone watching from above commanding everything to happen, but everything happens because it has too, it causes a timeline of events that are  staple events. It creates our history and from our history we learn and create our future. If things didn't happen for a reason then why have we been given the capacity to make mistakes? We make our mistakes while time is young so we can learn and take a path towards greatness.

In my life things have happened that I have regretted and loved and every single one of them shaped me.whether good or bad i had experiences that are now a part of my history, every single decision had either a reward or consequence. Either to push me to excel in that field or completely avoid it. If life was supposed to be by chance how could we grow. Our choices may outweigh whether good or bad so you need to have a balance in order to excel.Every single one of us has had our this was meant to be a moment whether in love, friendship academics, or personal we've all had our one out of body experience that is now a core memory.

Word count 265

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ethan. I really like how you started off by saying that our world
    could change in the flap of a butterfly’s wing. I also like how you
    ask a rhetorical question in your blog. I really like this post!


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