Monday, February 14, 2022

7- Yara A: California Gurls

 Blog #5- California Gurls 


 A core memory I would like to share is when during lunch Me, Preston, Kristina, and Taylor plus a couple other people decided to go on a drive. It all started when we were having a conversation during APUSH about how they all had gone on a drive and I commented on how fun it seemed and it all started from there. 

The drive was absolutely exhilarating to say the least. The windows were rolled down, songs like “California Gurls”,“Tokyo Drift”, and “Party In The U.S.A'' were on full blast while we sang along with our terrible singing but at that moment it didn't matter, we were simply just having fun. Preston was getting mad because he said we were going to blow out his speakers with how loud we had the music but eventually ended up singing along with us. The wind was messing up our hair in the most uncontrollable way. By the time we got back my hair looked like I hadn't brushed it in weeks.

 The feeling of being surrounded by positive and friendly energy is absolutely indescribable. It was as if at that moment nothing else mattered. There was no stress, just simply the amazing feeling of having fun. 

The reason that I wanted to write about this in this week's blog post is because this “core memory”  was a healthy reminder to me that it is okay to have fun and to let go sometimes. 

I find myself most of the time being consumed with homework and going to work, feeling like I have no time for myself and to just have fun and relax. At times it feels like a continuous cycle and this event signified that life isn’t always about working, that having fun is okay and that it is not something that I or anyone else should feel guilty about. It reminded me that I'm only going to be young once and while it is important to prioritize my goals and stay on top of things, I am also allowed to have fun and enjoy life. 

Word Count: 350


  1. Hi Yara! This was such a sweet post! I've always loved the "core memory" prompt, but haven't done it yet, because I always felt like it needed to be something epic. Your post reminded me, that even the smallest moments with the people you're close with, can be the most important, and the ones that you'll hold onto forever. I really loved the way you talked about this small moment, with the music and the wind in your hair. I thought it was such a descriptive and fun way of writing that I thoroughly enjoyed reading the whole time. Great work, and keep making those memories!

  2. Hey Yara! I really loved this blog post. I wasn't even with you on the drive, but your details made it feel like I was sitting there with you listening to music while Preston sped down the road. Reading this post reminded me that you can find joy every day if you're willing to look for it. Something as small as a drive with friends can turn your whole day around. Your post really put a smile on my face, great work!


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