Monday, February 28, 2022

8-Preston K: Art of making money



One core memory I would like to share is the first Friday working at my job with Noe and Jordan. Waking up at 5:50 and rushing and yelling at my sister to floor it on the freeway so I wasn't late and could get some cash is how i started that day. Even though I showed up 7 minutes early I want the one who was late that day it was Jordan. Me and Noe walked out of the break room with huge smiles on our face because our dumb behinds though it was going to be our first pay day of the summer… not knowing we had to work 2 weeks first. Not even 5 steps out of the break room we turn to the entrance of the factory and just see Jordan standing there with these huge black glasses and just started dying. We were laughing so hard Jan the boss came out looking for us to yell at us, but we slipped away fast enough and she got caught up with another worker slacking.

Because it was Friday, we got to take control of the speaker in the yard, and you already know all three of us were yelling to rock music and Bruno mars as we lifted and pushed the steel all day just cracking jokes and goofing around. Our Lunch came and Noe pulled a 5 dollar bill out of his pocket and we all gave each other that “you know what time it is look '' and tossed our , and pliers to the side and ran to the vending machine. When i tell you that was the best can of brisk tea I mean it, it was so rewarding after all the yelling and working we were doing.

Coming to the end of the day the best part of the day came. When had just finished our last 10 Minute break of the day and had 2 hours and 30 minutes left. We spent the first our slinging “It was a good day” and “Metalica one” just bumping and playing the air guitar and drums when noes dad comes through on the golf cart of the yard. Mind you both of the bosses have just left and it's just me, Jordan and his dad, so I had the bright idea to ask Noes dad “YO let me whip the golf cart” and you know what, He said yes. All three of us ran to the cart each taking turns whipping and drifting the cart. Noe almost crashed into a forklift, Jordan hit a pole and I almost flipped the cart. It was the best day i had at my job I'll never forget the amount of smiles that came that day as we earned money for singing and driving a golf cart. I mean working. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Preston,
    I really enjoyed reading your story about your job with your friends. It sounds like a difficult job to go through but it also sounds very fun considering that you can listen to music while working and talk to friends. I wonder what the environment at your work place was and how your boss and parents thought about it.


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