Monday, February 28, 2022

8- Ethan R - perspective: a worlds new lense

  Every single person sees through a different set of lenses. Some have seen beauties and some have seen tragedies. With every experience it shapes our view on the world and gives us our distinct perspectives. With so many different perspective always gives a 360 view of the whole world, but due to hatred of every kind were never going to be able to fully open our eyes to whole perspective.

So may controversies and hatred have taken place due to selfishness and too much ppride. We throw away our humananitys greatest gift of empathy just so we can preach and scream about our own perspective and damn every other one that does allign with it. Genmocides, and hate crimes have all occured because of ones national or self pride but imagine what couldve been if they wouldve taken their heads out of the dirt.

If people would just take a quick second and see the other side of the spectrum of the conflict it would avert so many controtroversies would cease to exist. They just need to be able to take a reflecvtion second breather then communicate, because with oout communication the world will just run it into the ground. There will be no growth, and all it will be is call to action repeatedly with failing outcomes. There would be no lesson at the end of the story, and only the same damning result, the fall of humanity. And with all of those tragedies, the communication of our perspectives will not passed along and our society will beign to decline

Persepectives are the spectrum of every experience youve made and shapes your view on the world.


  1. I thought this post was so intriguing! There are millions perspectives of everything, based upon millions of people. I really like how you focused on the perspective of controversy and tragedy, as in so many cases could've been avoided, if people would change their perspectives. I also really enjoyed how you said there will be no growth if we don't look at things differently, and I completely agree. As a society we've come so far, because we had to, because we had to look at things differently, but nowadays people are more stubborn and hesitant to do so. Anyways nice post!

  2. Hi Ethan,
    I have to agree with your point on how treating perspectives can influence the world. I believe that perspectives are some of the most important things to consider in our lives, because it makes us think a certain way towards the world and develop opinions which we would have not unless we had those perspectives. Perspectives can turn out well or badly, but I think that there is much consideration to take in perceiving something.

  3. Hi Ethan! I think you make such a great point about how we often have a lack of empathy when it comes to looking at someone else's perspective. I think the things you make note of are very important and I truly see what you mean. A difference in perspectives and a lack of empathy turn into conflict and sometimes that conflict is too irreparable.


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