Monday, February 7, 2022

6 - Janessa Huntoon: What doesn't kill ya makes you stronger


What doesn't kill ya makes you stronger

Strength is a word thrown around a good amount to lift someone up or give them that reassurance they seek. No one talks about how hard and depriving it can be to be strong all the time to find that strength in your lowest place and wait for it to eventually bloom, the roots almost consume you. They always say “be strong'' “keep your head up” or the more common statement “the tough things you go through make you stronger”, but I believe most of us would be just as strong without having to go through those worse times. 

We let that word get to us and when we constantly hear it, although some of us begin to believe it, we can’t always be strong. We have to let our guard down but then when we do that, we are called weak and look as if we gave up but in reality, we are so tired of being strong, fighting that constant battle no one can see. 

We let our guard down for one second and our title of being strong is perceived as different. Some of us can hide it better than others and the ones who can't face the most judgment. Being perceived as strong is an achievement but allowing yourself to not be strong all the time also is. But I guess it's like what they say, what doesn't kill ya makes you stronger but allowing yourself to take a step back doesn't make you weaker.

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