Sunday, April 24, 2022

15- Samantha A: True Meaning of the Word "Legacy"

To me the word “Legacy” isn’t something but someone. Of course Legacy just means to leave behind something great. Most of the time you leave behind a great legacy/fortune of money to your family, or you have a legacy of being honored and having a high status. When I think of the word Legacy a little more I think of all the amazing things that a person can accomplish to have such a legacy. Maybe you’re an incredible singer/artist, or a talented basketball player. When you take time to craft your skill and passion, it can easily turn into a legacy known and appreciated by many. For me I don’t use the word “legacy” often, unless I’m referring to someone famous who’s passed, or still living. People like Freddie Mercury or Kobe Bryant are people who have made such an impact on their passion that they have created a legacy for themselves. Freddie Mercury for instance had such a cool voice, and unique appearance that many people tried to change. People didn’t like the way his teeth were, but he said it made him sing so great. Because of that he was able to accomplish so much and do so much that by the time he died he passed away with a true legacy, being that he and his band “Queen” are one of the most influential rock bands of our time.

And then we have athletes like Kobe Bryant who have also paved the way for many aspiring athletes leaving behind a legacy. Kobe’s Legacy is that he was able to inspire so many people through his sport and work ethic, winning five championships, four all star MVP game awards, and many more. It is through these small examples that we are reminded of the word “Legacy” and its true meaning behind the literary meaning of “leaving behind something (such as money or estate) behind.” 

Word count: 318 Will I Have a Social Work Legacy? -

1 comment:

  1. Hi Samantha! I really liked your blog and how you went into depth about what legacy is. I also appreciate how you incorporated different legacies from different generes. I think legacy is how you made your mark or stood out. Great Job!


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