Monday, April 4, 2022

13- Yara A: Self- Reliance

 Blog #13- Self- Reliance 

Independence- the fact or state of being independent, while through most of our lives we become accustomed to depending on someone or something to be able to thrive becoming independent and learning to be able to achieve/ do things by yourself is something that should be prioritized. 

While it is not bad to depend on specific people for example your parents, it is a smart and healthy decision to learn to become independent as they are not going to always be in your life. Parents can respond to independence in one of two ways: they can either be happy that you are independent or respond in a negative way as they have fulfilled their role and feel as if they are not needed. 

 As harsh as it sounds, it’ll come to a point where you will have to make your own decisions, live by yourself and create your own source of income to pay for your utilities. Though it is not bad to be dependent to a certain extent in our lives, it is good to become unaccustomed to being dependent as it can lead to disappointment and despair. 

When you become used to a materialist object or a person always being there for you, you start to rely on them feeling as if you cannot function without them or that specific object. This is ultimately bad as in your life the only person you should depend on is yourself. You should never depend on anyone for your happiness or base them as your motivation as people are temporary, they come and go.

Therefore I believe that independence is a good thing, it is never bad to become self dependent at an early age as it prepares you to be able to live in the real world without the help of anyone. While being dependent is not a bad thing it is good to learn to be able to do things on our own and not relying on others. 

Word Count: 329

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yara,

    I agree on your perspective that independence for children is necessary for them to grow up into responsible adults. Parents should accept independence in most situations because it means that their children are growing up and experiencing the world without a parental hand and can understand how it would be as an adult. I think there could be a few restrictions to independence, especially where it can harm somebody, but for the most part, it is not too harmful.


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