Monday, April 25, 2022

15- Ethan R - Training your legacy

 For the most part of my high school career, I have dedicated most of my life to the school with ASB leadership. Hundreds of extra hours are dedicated after school or before school every quarter. I have shown examples to my younger leaders and exceeded all the other leaders in my class being president for the past 4 years and I'm going to be ASB president next year. 

That means i will co-teach the kids next year with Mr. ropelato and all the pressure will be on our shoulders, and honestly, I'm terrified but next year will be my year to leave my legacy. I will be the one with the students answering and working with them firsthand. I have seen amazing ASB presidents who do everything and show the kids they care, and I've seen some who just pass by and leave rope with the burden of the class, and with that much stress that cannot be placed on one person alone or else rope will get broken down and the whole class will suffer. So i must take that mantle as his right-hand man but it's just so much responsibility i feel i'm not ready for.

But I know i can teach these kids the right way and that the legacy i want to leave on my leaders, to teach and mentor them and be a father figure to them. Im class mom, the youngest, and first boy mom, and I've watched and cared for them this year and i'm just afraid i'll fail them when i take too much pressure. I'll work with my leaders and train them to be phenomenal leaders hopeful when they talk to their peers when im gone i can still be a role model for them to see and remember.

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