Monday, April 11, 2022

14- Yara A: Class Size Matters

 Blog #14- Class Size Matters. 

At the beginning of the year as a highschool student you are put into 6 classes that you typically have the option of deciding upon. In the first couple of weeks after my junior year started we were given the option to decide if we wanted to be moved into a smaller AP Lang class as there were too many students in the original class. I didn't have much of a choice as my schedule couldn’t be moved around due to the fact I was taking other AP classes. If I could've, I would've.

     From my own personal experience, although I do love my class and the people who are in it, being in a smaller class is more beneficial for the student as it provides that one on one opportunity with the teacher more frequently and enhances the learning of the student as there isn't as many distractions as there would be in a bigger class. 

When you are in a smaller class students tend to be more recognized and not get left behind. The teacher is able to focus more on what each student needs individually. While teachers should be able to do this in a normal size classroom, it can become overly difficult to provide each student with the same amount of attention that would be given to students in a smaller class.

     Having an excessively big class only leads to frustration from both the student and the teacher, a disruptive environment and less active student involvement. Therefore I believe that class size does matter. It can ultimately determine the learning path a student is set on. Being in a bigger class leads to students not feeling like they can express their concerns, feeling ignored and much more. While in a smaller classroom the teacher is able to focus more on what each student needs individually with them being able to freely express anything they don’t understand. 

Word Count: 319

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree! I think class size matters all the way, and smaller is better. Having that active one on one engagement with you're teacher is so crucial and beneficial to your education. I love the way you gave reasons as to why it is not only frustrating to the student if the class is bigger, but also the teacher as well. Anyways great job!


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