Tuesday, April 26, 2022

15-Nigel R: The Importance of PE

    PE is a subject that a lot of people like, however, there’s also a lot of people that don’t like it. I understand both points of view however, I feel like PE is an important class. 

PE should be required because it teaches kids how to keep themselves in shape if they want and it helps them get stronger and be healthier. PE also encourages kids to have healthy habits outside of school.  It’s also been proven to help prevent chronic conditions, contribute to healthy sleep patterns, and boost your immune system.

For PE to be most effective, I feel like it should have at least a day a week where the kids get to choose what activities they want to do, as long as they are participating in something. This can show the kids that exercising can be fun  and it is not always going to be hard. This will also encourage the kids to participate because they will know that not all exercise is draining, especially when they get to choose what they want to do. 

Another way for it to be effective is it should be graded on effort because not everyone is the same. Some people are more athletic than others and they shouldn’t be penalized for not being as athletic. As long as someone is giving their best effort, they should get a good grade in the class. 

PE is a class that should be required, but it shouldn’t be too strict to where people don’t want to participate. It should be fun so it can encourage kids to exercise and benefit them.

Word Count: 268

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nigel,

    I agree on your opinion that PE is an important factor in our educational lives. It is not like a lot of other classes, but it is necessary to maintaining a healthy and happy body. One way to keep focus in school is by staying healthy, and PE is a good cause of that focus. We also get to interact with other students, which allows to make friends and passions which we would not find otherwise.


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