Monday, April 25, 2022

15-Raymond L- Medusa

I have always loved roller coasters ever since I rode my very first big roller coaster which was Medusa at six flags. My parents told me to just try it out since I had never been on a big roller coaster. Beforehand roller coasters scared me, I would always wonder what would happen if I got stuck at the top or in one of the upside down loops. My parents would never bring me to six flags with them as much because there was no point since I would never go on any of the rides anyways. So the one day that I went with them they told me that I had to try Medusa. I went on the ride and on the way up I was looking around and kept telling myself not to look down but I did anyway. A huge drop was right in front of me and I had no idea what I got myself into. 

We got off the ride and I was crying because of all the wind pushing into my eyes making them water. I told my parents I hated the ride but in reality I actually loved it. I wanted to stay away from it for the rest of the day and they thought I didn’t like it until the next time we went, I asked to go on Medusa multiple times and it was one of the only rides I rode at six flags until I rode Kong, Superman, etc. When Superman came out I was a little hesitant to ride on it because I saw on the news that when it first opened people got stuck at the top for a few hours and didn’t get let down for a long time and I didn’t want that happening to me. 

I went on Superman and overcame all my fears of rides malfunctioning and stopping and as of today I ride almost every roller coaster that an amusement park has.

Word Count: 329

1 comment:

  1. Hey Raymond your blog specifically caught my eye because I love roller coasters too! My first big roller coaster was the daredevil at Great America. The Superman ride was also a big roller coaster for me to conquer as well. I heard a lot about it stopping while upside down for a long period of time aswell. Which prevented me from going on it for so long. Now the ride is always a must to go on while at Six flags.


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