Tuesday, April 12, 2022

14 - Diego B: The Cause of Success

Success is often taken for granted in our modern society and not studied enough to truly understand how some of us can succeed. When examining the most successful individuals in history, those who innovated society either technologically, socially, or politically, one can discover a distinct pattern in their history which has led directly to their success, and it is a rule that all of us should use to find our use in society. The key to this success lies in decisions, because the decisions we make directly influence what we do in life and how we act in situations. Success lies in those who are courageous enough to defy a system unchanged throughout their life and establish new precedents. We constantly consider the effects and importance of the revolutions and inventions that define our modern world, but rarely do we consider the will of those who let it be. In America, our entire lives can be attributed to the decisions that our people have made. Our decisions made us declare independence to establish unprecedented political liberties, liberties which every corner of the world has adopted since. Our decisions made us move towards a more equal and just society, where people would not be discriminated by sex or the color their skin. Our decisions made us move towards a more expanded American society, where people set out with the hope of new opportunities and fortune in the West where millions live today. If you want to experience success within your life, remember the effects that it will have you on you and society as much as how the most successful people in the world got there. Success, in the long run, is not given, it is earned. It is earn
ed through our determination, courage, and will. (295 words)

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